Day/night, the skin also has its modes and lives differently. What happens when the lights go out? How to understand its rhythm? Answers to these mysterious questions in the rest of this article...
When the day falls...
Real armor against external aggressions during the day, the skin protects us from the cold, aggressions, heating. After the effort, the comfort, she takes advantage of the night to recharge her batteries. It's simple: when your body sleeps, your skin activates: cell regeneration, strengthening of the epidermis, activation of micro-circulation... Its nocturnal program is dense!
Day/Night: Understanding cell regeneration
Before even worrying about the night, it is important to already have good daytime habits. For this, Miss Agathe advises you to use a combo of cosmetics composed of more than 50% snail slime extract. First, start with Mlle Agathe's moisturizing mask to intensely nourish your skin. Apply it in a very thin layer and only 1 to 2 times a week. Leave the mask on for 5 minutes then rinse with clear water. It's all about balance. Then, for completely hydrated skin, follow with Mlle Agathe's rich cream for dry skin. For top-notch complete hydration!
But let's get to the heart of the matter... In the 90s, researchers in chronobiology discovered that the skin followed a circadian rhythm (24 hours), as well as an ultradian rhythm (less than 24 hours). Concrete examples: the secretion of sebum is done on a rhythm of eight hours, while the evaporation of the temperature or the variation of the blood circulation is done rather on 12 hours. The skin therefore has several routines.
And we learn that things can happen at night... The regeneration process is intense. It is at one o'clock in the morning that cell multiplication is at its maximum. In concrete terms, how does the process of cell division take place? Skin stem cells split in two. One gradually rises to the surface to fulfill its functions and then disappears in the form of a cornea: the other remains in place and will regain strength to be able to divide again. This is typically what is called a makeover. So you'll think twice before closing your eyes, right?

Nocturnal phenomena
At night, regeneration also allows the evacuation of toxins through the process of perspiration. The circulation of blood in the small vessels of the skin is also more important. The tissues of the epidermis are more permeable there, contrasting with their barrier function during the day. The skin is therefore more able to integrate products, and more receptive to care.
So, why adopt a night care?
What is the bonus of night creams? Logically, they are devoid of sunlight or pollution. As the skin evaporates a lot of water at night, the textures are in fact much richer, they make it possible to completely replenish the skin with hydration and to produce reserves for the next day. No risk of shortage.
What product should you put on your bedside table? Once again trust the snail: Mlle Agathe has created for you a regenerating face night cream based on snail slime extract. It deeply moisturizes the skin and helps cell regeneration while preventing the appearance of wrinkles. When you wake up, your skin will be as soft as a shell...
To optimize its effect, several golden rules to keep in mind. Remember to remove your make-up well, so as to let the treatment act completely. Also, to make the product penetrate well, take the time to perform a massage. Before putting on your night mask, let the treatment penetrate well for about fifteen minutes, in order to preserve your pillow.
Last memo for the road: if it's a night care, there's a reason... avoid applying it during the day because these creams often don't contain SPF.
So good night !