The story of Mademoiselle Agathe

Mademoiselle est Agathe was born from an encounter…
Mademoiselle Agathe cosmetics were born in 2013 following the meeting at a small organic fair in Lyon of Fabrice Pierron, specialist in commercial development (round bezel), and Patrice Lambert Héliciculteur (straw hat).
This meeting will change the course of their lives, because Patrice the snail farmer, has been developing a gentle method of harvesting snail slime for several years, after realizing the benefits of mucus on his hands or those of his seasonal workers. . From this research, he was able to discover the most opportune moment to collect the mucus and above all with the gentlest possible technique for the well-being of the animal, that is to say by taking each snail individually by hand. to gently stimulate him.
Fabrice set out to find a laboratory that would be ready to test formulations with the highest concentration of snail mucus in the products as specifications. Following these first tests was born Mademoiselle Agathe, and this is what is incredible with entrepreneurship since two bearded fifties can give birth to a magnificent young girl named Mademoiselle Agathe.

So who really is Mademoiselle Agathe?

Help us promote a treasure of nature for the skin
The snail is a quite exceptional small animal that has been on earth for more than 540 million years, that is 200 million years before the first dinosaurs. Since ancient times, the virtues of snail slime have been known and recommended by Hippocrates, we even have evidence that Mona Lisa del Giocondo used snail slime extract in 1514 in Florence. Nowadays, many scientific works, including ours, have been able to confirm the therapeutic properties of snail slime for the skin.

With the greatest respect for animals
Only Mademoiselle Agathe can certify manual harvesting, snail by snail. Our principle is to disturb our snails as little as possible in their natural life cycle with a foot stimulation of about thirty seconds and that only once a year. It is immediately after spawning, when its mucus is richest in protein and it no longer needs it for its reproduction, that we harvest the snail slime by hand by snail. Only this manual harvesting process can guarantee the well-being of the animal.

A single promise: maximum drool for maximum efficiency.
The mucus thus collected is particularly rich in protein. To stabilize it, we carry out a low-pressure cold extraction which consists of extracting the active ingredients naturally present in the slime without damaging them. Under the magnifying glass of a super microscope, our mucus extract reveals fantastic cosmetic properties. Our scientific research has demonstrated the presence of a large number of proteins and peptides which all have a more or less direct link with the skin. Finally, we integrate a high percentage of extract into our treatments to make the most of the benefits of snail slime, but it is the osmosis that respects animals and plants that gives all its effectiveness to our treatments. helicotherapy cosmetics.

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