Interview with Patrice Cougoureux breeder in Tarn

We seek to promote organic farming to as many people as possible and as such we offer you a series of interviews with farmers committed to a virtuous model for our environment, for animals and also for the quality of our food.
Discover Patrice Cougoureux, whom you may recognize if you followed the M6 ​​show “Let’s help our farms”, he explains to us the crucial role of livestock farming in a cyclical and extensive agricultural model.

Role of organic farming

We received on our stand at the agricultural show Patrice Cougoureux who currently runs a farm in Padiès, in Tarn. He heads a herd of 250 Scottish Galloway cows. Patrice explains to us the role of livestock in his cyclical agricultural model and the benefit of year-round grazing on meadows. Its grazing cows prevent the land from being turned over and allow carbon to be captured.

Diversification of agricultural activities

Its principle is clear: farms must diversify their sources of income. To do this, he is exploring various options such as direct sales, catering services, or even the operation of a farm inn, a strategy already adopted by some farmers for several years. We talk to him about our project to better promote livestock by-products in cosmetics for a new area of ​​diversification.

Can we be organic & vegan?

We notice that a large number of cosmetics offer certified organic and Vegan treatments. Patrice explains to us how in his experience it seems impossible to be able to be both. And above all why it is important to understand the usefulness and role of livestock for soil fertility in an agricultural model without chemical inputs.

"From Farm to Skin", let's celebrate all the ingredients of plant and animal origin from the farm, organic and good for the skin.

To know more !

Find our entire interview with Patrice Cougoureux where we discuss the values ​​of organic farming and everything that makes Patrice proud of his profession.

See the video