Snail slime VS psoriasis
Psoriasis, a delicate and often frustrating skin condition, which manifests itself as unpleasant and often painful patches. However, a promising solution emerges from nature itself: snail slime. Known for centuries for its many benefits for the skin, this viscous liquid appears to offer new hope to those suffering from psoriasis. But how exactly does the composition of snail slime act on this condition? Discover its therapeutic secrets.
Vitamins A and C which hydrate and have antioxidant properties
The benefits of vitamins A, C, D and E on the skin are no longer in doubt. Their ability to hydrate and nourish the epidermis makes them valuable allies in the fight against psoriasis. Indeed, psoriasis plaques tend to dry out the skin significantly, thus exacerbating discomfort and itching. However, the application of treatments based on snail slime enriched with these vitamins can reverse this trend by providing deep hydration, reducing inflammation and the action of free radicals.

Allantoin, actin and collagen heal
Allantoin and actin, the snail's secret ingredients for repairing its damaged shell, play a crucial role in cell regeneration. When a snail slime treatment is applied to the skin, it promotes the healing of lesions caused by psoriasis. In addition, the synergy between allantoin, actin and collagen present in snail slime intervenes in the wound relief process and promotes tissue repair.
Elastin restores flexibility
Loss of skin suppleness is one of the most disturbing aspects of psoriasis. Fortunately, elastin, an essential protein for maintaining the suppleness and elasticity of the skin, also delaying skin aging, is naturally present in snail slime. By applying it to the affected areas, you can restore the suppleness of the skin and reduce the feelings of tightness and discomfort associated with psoriasis.

Snail slime is found to be a promising natural ingredient for relieving psoriasis symptoms. Thanks to its composition rich in vitamins, Allantoin, Collagen and Elastin, it acts synergistically with rigorously selected plant ingredients to hydrate, repair and make the skin more supple. By using our Helicotherapy treatments in their routines, people with psoriasis can hope for a significant improvement in their condition, while benefiting from the soothing and regenerating benefits of nature.